Prime Numbers List

Prime Numbers

You can generate prime numbers at different intervals. For example, between 0 and 100k, 9592 numbers are prime. An interesting fact about prime numbers is that two is the only prime number that is even. Prime numbers contain the numbers 3 and 7, which is considered the luckiest numbers. The bad fact is that the list of the prime numbers includes the number 13, which is unlucky.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is a prime number?

    It is a number that can be divided evenly only at one and itself.

  2. What are the first ten prime numbers?

    The first 10 prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29.

  3. What is the difference between prime and composite numbers?

    The composite numbers can be divided into more numbers, not just the numbers itself and 1. This means that a prime number cannot be a composite number because it can't be divided into other numbers.

  4. Is it free?

    Yes, it's 100% free to use.