Convert decimals to binary or to hexadecimal in just a click. Computers "don't understand" regular numbers, so we must translate to binary. Hex numbers are used for referencing the memory or to choose an RGB color.
A binary number looks like this 1010. This is the binary number for 10. It is only formed by two numbers: one and zero.
You can calculate the number based on factor two.
For example, if you want to translate the number 17 you can do it like this.
17=2^0+2^4 this means that the first bit and the 5th bit will be 1. In programming, the counter starts from zero
The result will be 17=10001.
A hexadecimal number looks like this 7B. A hex number uses a base 16, this means that the numbers from 0 to nine are used but uses also the first six letters of the alphabet.
If the number is from the interval 0 to 16, you just take the corresponding number or letter. For example, the hex number for 7 is also 7, for 11 is B. Then for bigger numbers like 73 you must divide the number by 16.
So 73 divide by 16 gives you 4 and remains is 9. So the hex number is 49.